Based on swift action taken by the LBPA and with prompt support from Councillor Robinson, the watermain upgrade at Beth Nealson Drive has been postponed to September.
A pre-construction notice was sent by the city in May about the watermain replacement and road reconstruction planned for this summer – when Leslie street at Eglinton is also planned to be closed. This would have strangled traffic into and out of the park.
The LBPA raised the issue to Councillor Robinson. She immediately held a number of meetings with senior staff in the Transportation and Engineering and Construction Services divisions to relay our concerns with the potential traffic impacts this project would have if carried out at the same time as the Leslie Street closure.
After significant pressure from her office, Councillor Robinson advised the LBPA that commencement of this project will be delayed until September 3rd, 2019.
She thanked the LBPA for our engagement on this issue and to not hesitate to contact her with any further questions, concerns, or comments.